Saturday, June 24, 2006

Trying to be a morning person

Ok, after reading some other blogs I have been trying to get up earlier and get things done in the wee hours. I don't know how you guys do is killing me. I simply cannot function on any human level! I don't like my family or myself for that matter, I am at a loss how becoming a morning person will ever happen for me.
Cory just read my title over my shoulder and laughed and said "trying to be a morning person, you? never going to happen".
I hope somewhere, if someone is keeping score, that I get points for trying even if I fail. Don't get me wrong I haven't given up...yet. I will give it another month.
One L


Anonymous said...

FYI: mornings are for the birds and the farmers!

sherry said...

And for those of us that have no choice and open up their dialysis unit at 0430 to accomadate patients that work.Makes for a long day. But on weekends I sleep in till6 oh yeah. Points for trying from me

Kim said...

ya i've been a morning person the past 2 days if it counts going to bed after 2am. points for trying.