Thursday, June 22, 2006

Almost Done

I cannot believe I see the light at the end of the tunnel. The house is just about ready to be shown. The concrete gets poured on Friday and then the gate goes in, and the final out door touch up is the stone. So we will go from a truly "desert" landscape (dirt and weeds) to a stone and desert plant landscape.
I have decided I am going to have an open house just to show friends and family all the changes we have made. I am so proud of Cory, he has become such a handy man. I love the way things have turned out and I will never do this again. If I want to make over a house again Cory has strick instructions to hit me over the head with a 2 by 4!
The girls are sooooo bored, and I know it is because we are always working on the house, but in a week or so we will be free to go to the mall and the pool and friend's houses and the park and the museum...well, you get what I mean.
Two posts in the same month...I am getting better at this.
One L

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