Monday, November 01, 2010


Being a Canadian has it disadvantages at is one of those times. I believe in voting and when people complain about the government I always ask, "did you vote?" and if they said no...I would forfeited your right to complain! So I try not to complain...but heated discussions are always fun.
My father was always active in politics in Canada and he instilled in me a sense of responsibility when it comes to voting. I feel like such a loser when elections come around and I cannot vote. I tell myself to get off the pot and get my US citizenship already!
People ask me all the time what I think of socialized medicine because Canada had it. Well it is nice to be able to go to the doctor without the fear of the cost...but nothing is ever free. What you gain in peace of mind you lose in higher taxes and patient care.
A lot of people are fired up and can't wait until November to vote...the more the merrier. It is always better when the majority of people vote...then you know it is the will of the people.
I love the United States of American...and I love my fair share of Americans...I hope everyone will vote tomorrow and keep their right to complain!
One Canadian L

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