Thursday, July 09, 2009

Selling Out

I have decided to take my wares to "Handmade In America" and rent a little space and sell my stuff...well I have spoken to the lady who owns the store and we are ironing out the kinks so hopefully I will be selling my stuff at that store!
She already has jewelry so she may not let me sell my bracelets and earrings there but she totally wants my boxes and stars.
Here are pictures of some of the stuff I have been working on lately.

the cost of renting space and then the 14% commission they get I will have to pump up my prices! Have no fear I will still do things for friends at a discount!
Wish me luck!
One Entrepreneurial L


JoDell said...

It's about time! You might as well be making some profit off of your talents. (I would if I were you!) :) Good-luck with your new venture!

Tyson and Rachelle said...

Glad you finally decided to do it! Hope you make lot's of money!

6jardines said...

how exciting!!!! I am pumped for you!!! What is your store name going to be?

libby said...

That is so exciting! I hope it goes well!

Radene said...

Awesome! Beautiful pieces! Good luck with you're sales!

libby said...

I have to say, YOU having nothing bad to say about Pittsurgh... I never thought I'd see the day. THAT is amazing!! :)