Friday, November 16, 2007


The weather here is getting colder by the minute. We took the girls out to a farm to pick out a pumpkin and they had a petting zoo and hay rides and the girls had a blast. You can see their rosy cheeks and eventhough the sun was shinning the wind just goes right through your clothes and chills you to the bone. They had some homemade apple cider to warm us all up and while Cory and the girls played at the park with the 100 foot slide I went shopping in the market and bought lots of yummy veggies and the Winesap apples are by far the best for eating. We had a fun day with daddy and we all treasure the hours he can spend with us without a book or packet to read. I will never take for granted the lazy days ever know the days that you just lay around all day with everyone home and underfoot. I used to complain...never again.
The boys are doing well in school, Greg is part time and Chris is full time. They are financially independent and that is scary too. I wish I could see them more often...they are poor and so are we right now so I will just have to be patient and before you know it school will be over and we will all see each other often!
I miss my friends guys can not be replaced...EVER!
later dudes and dudettes
One L

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a great photo to scrapbook. the girls are getting so big! i love the wonderful lazy days. each day with family is a day to cherish and hold close.