Thursday, March 04, 2010

Time flies

Now that I am under the gun to get the house ready to show and finish all those last minute projects time is just flying by!
There are so many things I haven't done that I wanted to do here in PA and time is running out. I have scratched so many things off my bucket list because of taking the girls to Disney World. But I would still love to take them to the beach...there are so many nice ones in North and South Carolina...that is doable.
New York is still a possibility but again it depends on money...I hate that!
I have been so focused on getting out of the burgh...I forgot one thing...I can't take my friends here with me. I will miss so many people here...and no amount of sunshine will make that go away.
I have focused on the things I will not miss, like the roads, the Mexican food, the weather, the drivers, the parking and did I mention I will not miss driving here in any form?
I forgot all the things I love...I love my friends...I love my house...I love my neighbors...I love the food, I love my calling, I love Cory's calling and having the Missionaries over all the time. Its all so sad.
Why can't I have everything?
Why did I grow to love so many people here...haven't I learned how much it hurts to leave knowing you will never live there again? I tried to keep everyone at arms length...but dang it they slowly crept into my heart with their cute babies and big hearts. Some have left me already but now I am doing the leaving. Its so hard to keep in touch with everyone!
I hate you for making me love you! Now I will have to come back and visit...and endure more long distance friendships.
I am not crying...I am not crying.
I have to go blow my nose.
Love to all
One sad L


nancy said...

someone once said, "without change there would be no butterflies."
it makes a cute card but it doesn't stop the heartache. i hate goodbyes.

6jardines said...

IT is a wonderful thing to know people love you all over the country...and with facebook and get to keep in touch. Real friends are forever!

Tyson and Rachelle said...

Now you are making me cry.

Pitcherpost said...

I know how you feel! I wish I could make all the people I meet and love just follow me around and move with me the rest of my life!

Jonece Thomspon said...

I really will miss all the good stuff that we will leave behind.