The forecast said we were going to have 10 consecutive days of sunshine and I thought it was time to stop my Seasonal Affect Disorder medicine but alas I was wrong!
Cory was still finishing up midterms and I had a stressful week ahead...what was I thinking?
Coming up in the next next week or so I have Elise's baby shower, Kelli's bridal shower, Enrichment, Girl's lunch, presents to make, parties to plan and no anti depressants and NO SUNSHINE!!! Did I mention it is colder than a well diggers butt?
I seriously feel sorry for my family...they have had the "not so stable" Michele and the "over reactive" Michele. Poor Jonece spilled water on the floor and didn't clean it up or let anyone know and I blew a gasket...I almost made her cry...I have apologized.
Cory keeps asking why I seem mad...because I hate the cold dreary winter!!! Did I mention I have had a sinus headache for 3 months?
So if I seem a little out of sorts or less than enthusiastic I promise I will be better long can winter last anyway? I guess one shouldn't say things like might make winter go right through to May!
If it wasn't such a pain taking a pill everyday I would just stay on the meds year round...I could never be a decent drug addict...I would always forget to take them, or forget to buy them.
Here's hoping we get some warm sunny days soon or Cory might start spiking my OJ!
One postal L
Awe Michele. If you need help with any of the above things please let me know. You have a lot going on!
girlfriend what were you thinking?!
never trust the weatherman.
ok, if you haven't watched it this year yet, watch groundhog day. the laughs will be good for you. (and don't drive angry! hehehe)
Bummer dude!
I wish I was closer to help you out! You will be blessed for your service...
love ya lots!
Please let me know if I can help with anything. Life is not fun when you are sad. And even though we are getting a few armer days, we all know it will be short lived. :)
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