Tuesday, May 20, 2008

So Many Things So Little Time

Cory planted my garden! Lots of tomatoes and peppers and herbs. I can't wait for the first fresh tomatoes of the summer they are the best.

Dene had a concert this past week and I tried to record a song or two but she is way in the back and this amazon boy in a green shirt kept putting his arm in front of her cute face. Don't these people understand that she is the most important participant in our eyes and she should be front and center so we can take lots of cute pictures to share with everyone!
Let me just preface this movie with letting you know I didn't really know how to use the "video" aspect of our camera and couldn't figure out how to turn it off! Dene was wonderful...she spoke her part clearly and with attitude. She is by far my future star!


Brooklet said...

I don't know if it is just my computer but the video doesn't show up. I am sure it is priceless, as all children concert videos are.

Your garden looks lovely. Imagine the sphaghetti sauce it will make.

Jana said...

I am glad things are looking up. I want a garden!!!!

emily and Nate said...

Hi Michele,
I saw you on Cara's page, hope you don't mind me snooping a bit! Your page is so cute and so are your girls!!

Michele said...

Sure Emily snoop all you want I checked out your blog to boot...very cute!

Radene said...

Your garden looks great, and by the way, you did a great job on your herbs enrichment class. I was intrigued by your knowledge on the subject. Thanks for sharing! Your blog looks good, I like it.

Sparklinbecks said...

Great blog! I cant wait til you get back to AZ and we can finally meet! :) Your garden looks great! Let me know how the tomatoes go, the heat here is killing mine :(