Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Leaving on a jet plane

We are all packed and ready to go. We have to drop off the dog with friends because Southwest doesn't allow pets, can you believe that? Then it is off to the airport, and we will be in AZ in time for dinner at Gecko Grill...We can taste it now...Yummy.
The irony of it all it that it will be warmer here this week at times than it will be in AZ. But the sun will be a shining!
Thursday we will be at Devine Memories for a tasting party for a recipe swap I signed up for...What was I thinking? I have 26 6x6 pages to finish...I have one done as we speak. I might be in trouble.
Well I have to get going see you all soon.
One L

Friday, December 15, 2006

Devine Memories virtual challenge

These are a few of the pages I did, the flower pocket, black and white with a whisper of red and my version of winter joy. I did a clipboard and hand cut out the phrases. For the challenge to use some kind of office supply and I was in my element. I used a prong fastener to add some ribbon. That is all for now.
One L

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Visions of sugar plums

WE are all getting into the Christmas spirit here in PA. Well, except for Scrooge aka Cory, he is about ready to snap...no warm and fuzzy going on in him right now. I guess I would be a little less into the season if I had an exam everyday...and my future hung in the balance. Come Thursday he should have an overwhelming sense of relief and have room in his life for some Christmas spirit. We are excited about coming home in a week, we have missed our family and friends more than we could have imagined. The girls are most excited to see their brothers...and Grandma.
One L

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Happy Christmas!

The girls decorated the tree and I think they did a great job! Since we are leaving here on the 19th I opted for an artificial tree this year...that way when we get back I won't have a dead tree and needles everywhere to clean up. It was prelit and let me just say "THAT ROCKS!!!". I just wish real trees came prelit too and that would be the bomb. The girls ask everyday if they can open 1 present and I am such a push over that I usually let them. (Not the big ones, just the dollar store ones) They don't care, half the time it is just ripping the paper off that floats their boat.
Cory got 100% on his final on Friday and I am so proud...not so much because he got 100% but because so many other guys had trouble. Does that make me shallow? Cory says it does but I disagree, I don't want to rub it in I just like him to be the smartest in the class...whats wrong with that?
I am more excited and have more energy lately than I have in months...I know it is because I am going home...dang I miss you guys! Soon I keep telling myself...soon.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

More pictures of the house

Just thought I would show you guys a few more pics of the new homestead. I painted the provo craft letters and sanded the edges and I altered this table and chair set from IKEA. Everything is coming along...slowly. More to come.

First real snow

The girls were so excited about the snow they went out and made snow angels...you can wee the darks spots in the grass. It is funny that they didn't seem to notice the freezing temperatures because they were having so much fun. I stayed indoors like any sane person and made hot cocoa for the girls and warmed up blankets...they had those red rosy cheeks when they came back in and Dene said she couldn't feel her chin. They amde snow balls and threw them at eachother, but there really wasn't that much accumulation. They are expecting more snow over night and more tomorrow, we are hoping to build a snowman as soon as we can. I will take tons of pics.

Christmas decorations are done...the stockings are hung by the chimney with care. I made a huge wreath for the front of out house and it was prelit. It is beautiful if I do say so myself but we are having issues with finding an outlet to light it up...these 96 year old houses do not have outlets outside. Later all.

Friday, December 01, 2006

I've Been so Busy

I can't believe I have been so deliquent in updating my blog, but in my defense I have been out of the country. Ok so a weekend trip to Canada doesn't sound as impressive...But it has been an eventful couple of weeks
We had a super Saturday and I was busy getting ready for it and I still haven't cleaned up my scrap room either.
Thanksgiving was so nice, a little lonely but nice. We had a family over who was dealing with some health issues and making a turkey dinner wasn't going to happen for them so I got to spoil them. Everything turned out great except that my Mother in Law makes these rolls that are to die for and I used her recipe and they were great but not nearly as good as her. I am going to have to work on it.
The Friday following Thanksgiving we jumped in the car and headed to Canada to spend some time with my parents...And eat some yummy food. My parents jammed into 3 days about two weeks worth of adventures. There was shopping and eating and water parks and birthday parties and underground parking and valet parking...It was a blast. The girls want to spend every weekend up in Canada.
Crossing the border was easier than expected...Going there... But coming back the line up to go over the Peace Bridge was miles long. After inching along for over 2 hours we finally made it back into the great USA. It was the first time I felt like I was coming home instead of leaving it, I must be an American now.
I have a new calling in church...I am the Nursery Leader...And we have a huge nursery...yikes!
I told the Bishop that I have been in nursery or sunbeams for the last 5 years so I am hoping it won't be "for a long time" calling.
Now I am getting ready for Christmas, buying presents and making a few things and things to boot. I need a personal helper...or a personal stand behind me with a whip helper.
We are leaving for our Christmas vacation in AZ in 19 short days and I am counting them down with anticipation...I am more excited than I can say.
That is all for now I will try and post some pics from Canada trip.
One L

Monday, November 06, 2006


Dene decided to take her dog to school...we caught it just in time. Cookie loves to be maulled by Dene and Dene loves to drag that poor dog around everywhere.
Cookie's life is in danger but not from Dene...the other morning I looked outside and saw a bunch of feathers in the back yard in a little pile. I thought the neighbor had killed a pidgeon and just left it there but no that wasn't the case. When I went outside to investigate, there was no bird just feathers and one foot. An hour or so later Dene noticed a huge bird in the tree just above where the feathers were...it was a huge hawk or falcon. Someone had told us that a Yorkie was abducted by a hawk but it was a tiny one...well I think this hawk could make a meal or two of our little puppy. So now we have to make sure Cookie is never outside by herself...that or get her really fat.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Daddy's turn

I love this picture of Cory taking the girls to school...it was a while ago so there is still leaves on the trees. The leaves are all gone now, but you can see their school up ahead.
The girls both love their teachers and love going to school...they are going to be geeks like their parents. They are growing up so fast I feel like stopping time for just a while. The day will come when they no longer want to snuggle and I won't be their favorite person to hang out with.
This is the one flat spot in Dormont, everything else is on a hill...some of them drop off kind of hills. I will take some pictures, you won't believe it unless you see it. I miss the flat streets of AZ, I miss the warmth of the sun, I miss my sister, I miss my friends. When we move back to AZ I know there are some things I will miss from here, but probably only people he he he.
I am painting the girls room this week and I am excited about it. We are going with knock your socks off pink but I am doing it only on the lower half of the wall...it is too powerful to go all the way up. I will post before and after shots.
One L

Friday, November 03, 2006

Some pics of the new house

Well I finally figured out how to do this...I promise there will be a photo with each post from now on...unless I encounter anymore technical dificulties. So far the Living room and the dining room are just about done, and the bathroom is cute as all get out. I have the bedrooms and the play room left and after they are all done I could start on the basement. I kinda love this old house and all its creaky floors and old world charm, I am enjoying fixing it up. The few people who helped us move in cannot get over the transformation...heck even I am surprised at how cute everything is turning out to be. I painted the dining room but the living room and the bathroom are the original color...pale yellow (yuck). I have a plan for the girls room and I just have to paint in our bedroom, the one that I have no idea what I am going to do with is my scrap room/spare room. I will definitely do a before and after shot with that one. Miss you all
One L

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Pretty & Scary

This Halloween we had a very pretty princess and and very scary witch. It was raining here in Pittsburgh but the girls still mananged to get enough candy to rot every tooth in their mouths. It is a good thing Cory will be a Dentist in a few years. Cory braved the cold rain with the girls and I stayed home and handed out candy to the multitude of brave children who don't seem to even notice the rain or the cold for that matter. I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween this year.
One L

Sunday, October 22, 2006


It is getting chilly here is Pittsburgh. I wish we had a fireplace that worked...for some unknown reason they sealed ours. That would make these cold evenings nice...a warm fire and that smell that takes me back to my childhood. Cory is immersed in biochem, dental anatomy and histology. He thinks it is all so interesting...nerd. But I guess if he is going to be doing teeth for the next 30 years or so he might as well find it fasinating.
I am finally fitting in here...or should I say the people here are finally seeing what a truely fun and "cool" person I am. I am teaching some scrapbook like classes at the super saturday here in Nov., so I had to go all "Kim" on them. (for those of you who don't know Kim, it means I had to go all out and make a mini book out of a card). Ofcourse they were all impressed, not that I am all that... it is just their idea of scrapbooking is CM and they haven't seen the old stuff let alone the new stuff. They were fairly easy to impress.
I think these 3 years and 9 months will be ok.
Later my friends.
One L

Saturday, October 07, 2006

I did this page last night as part of Devine Memories virtual crop...it was a blast. This one was "the chipboard" challenge or the 10:00pm challenge. I cannot believe that I stayed up until 4:00am playing, but I did get 5 pages done. This one is my favorite.

Well I can upload some of my pictures to my blog and then others I cannot fine. I took a bunch of pictures of the house and I have 2 rooms pretty much done. Computers...can't live without them can't shoot them.

Greg called the other day and had a long chat with his sisters...they were having brother withdrawl. I knew we would miss them but I am surprised at the silly things I miss. I miss their excitement and appreciation of their favorite meals. No one gets excited about chicken spaghetti like Chris and I made baked subs the other day for lunch and there was so much left over.

Friday morning it was dang cold here and the girls were excited about seeing their breath, our furnace was down and we were chilly even with the oven going and the space heater on HI. Snow is coming and I dred it!. On the bright side...I could do some cool snow pictures.

We got the girls a swing set and it was delivered on Wed. I know I am going to have to put it up all by myself...Cory is focusing on school and he doesn't understand that a swing set IS a priority!

Till next post...I love you all my friends.

One L

Monday, October 02, 2006

Sorry with an "O"

Oh my goodness...I didn't to post until I had some pictures to download and then I had a series of unfortunate incidents. Now that I have the camera and computer working I still haven't taken the necessary pictures and it has been ages since I last posted an update here on my blog so I will just give a short update and try to put the camera thingy into the printer thingy and figure out how to post it on my blog all by myself because Cory is MIA these days.
The last I heard from the eldest son...he had lost his job and was looking for another one but he was in good financial condition because he was saving up for a car I think.
Son number 2 still hadn't resolved his car issues and he has to do something soon...his car is still in impound and he had no insurance when he hit the police car...now he has to pay for everything out of his pocket...I feel for him. I sent some money for school and living expenses but I think he might have to use that to fix the police car.
Here in Pittsburgh life is moving along regardless of how I feel...the girls are really enjoying the cool weather. They are patiently waiting for snow...and several people have offered to take them sledding as soon as there is enough snow on the ground. They are too funny...everyday they ask if I think it will snow and the other morning we could see our breath and they were totally stoked. Cory is studing hard and getting high "B" 's so far...they grade on a curve and there are alot of single guys who study about 6-8 hours a day...compared to Cory's 2 hours I think he is doing magnificient! He loves the stuff they are learning and he is already in the clinic. One of the perk is that a lot of toothpaste and toothbrush companies are trying to woo these young guys and they give them a ton of product to play with...needless to say I won't have to buy another tooth brush for the rest of my life.
I have been so very lonely here...the people here are very nice but only to a point...nobody wanted to play with me...they were willing to give me directions and chat for 2 minutes but nobody wanted to invite me over or come to my house. So I took the advise of some friends and sisters and stopped feeling sorry for myself and started inviting people over for diner...it has been my motto in the past..."feeding people...a great way to make friends and infuence people". So I have had people over for lunch and diner a ton of times and I am starting to feel like I could make a friend or two. But I will not get too attached because there is no way in hell I am staying here after Cory finishes school.
Well my short update has grown beyond its years...later my friends.
One L

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Settling in

Finally I am beginning to settle in here in PA, not that I want to live here any longer than I have to. Cory is busy with school, he is doing well so far and he really loves not working at Boeing. The girls are starting to make friends...I wish I could say the same thing about me...I don't really want to make new friends...I already have the best friends a girl could ask for. I do miss having someone to paint with, scrap with, work with and just hang out with. I don't know what is wrong with me...I miss my friends but I am not willing to extend myself and make new ones. This part of PA sucks! Now if I could just convince 2 or 3 of you guys to come and live here for a year of so...life would be grand.
It is freakin cold here...all the time! I am not saying this to make you want to come for a visit...though that would be nice...I just hate being cold. Cory loves the weather so far...he is a weirdo...who loves gray skies and cold damp air? I miss the sun and have to find a sun lamp soon or my sun deprivation illness may rear its ugly head.
The son who never calls, called to inform us that he had a car accident and can no longer drive the car...he hit a police car of all things. Then he opted to buy my sister's car...then the next day it wouldn't start...then he calls. I wish we could help but when I told him to just pack his bags and move here with us he said "funny mom" like I wasn't serious.
I miss them tons...I miss my sister...I miss my friends and I miss all my family (especially Ella Bella).
I am not depressed, just reflective. I will try and post some pics with the next post.
love ya
One L

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

One box at a time

The process is slow but steady...I have committed to unpacking at least one box a day. Sometimes it is a very small box and some days it is 3 or 4 (like today).
It must be the rain that makes me want to settle in here, or maybe because I have the urge to scrap and I promised Cory I would get the other rooms in working order first. The bathroom is 95% done and the kitchen is a close second. Our bedroom is close and the girls room is even closer. The living room and dining room will be the toughest...lots of crap that I stored in the buffet that has no home now and I am at a loss as to where to put all this stuff.
The basement will be the catch all but because it has a moisture problem I can't store everything down there.
I have an arrangement with a lady I met while picking Dene up from school...she has a kindergartner too but she is in the other class. She was in desperate need of a babysitter from 11:00 until 3:00 and we struck a deal. I don't need the money right now but I would love to have a full day (8-3) all to myself. So we are switching off I will take her daughter for 2 days and she will take mine...yeah! Now I can take some time to check out the suburbs without worrying about being late to pick up Dene at 11:00. Also I could use the time to work on the house, since I decided to paint...I know I know I swore I would never do it again but I love color and would love to go crazy and do the dining room in chocolate and the girls in pink pink pink.
I will post pictures when a room is finished. Promise.
One L

Friday, September 08, 2006


It has taken me for ever to get this computer up and running with internet. I am so happy to be back in touch with the world via the web. We had a nightmare road getting this house and I still can't talk about it without getting all choked up...but the final result is great, we moved into the house we wanted and life is good.
The girls absolutely love their new school and teachers, and I think the world of them too. The Principal is really on the ball and makes the school a fun safe place for the kids to spend most of their day.
The boys are ok in AZ, well I guess they are because the 18 year old hasn't called his mother yet!!!! I have left messages everywhere but I haven't heard from him, I know he is alive because I have spoken with his girlfriend Tara and she says he is alive and well. Greg and I text eachother often and I know he misses his sisters alot.
I am growing to love my new house and its old time charm...I have decided to do it shabby chic.
I will post pics as soon as a room is done.
Love to all.
One L

Friday, August 18, 2006

The house is so bare

Cory has dismantled just about everything and it looks like nobody lives here...picture me with a sad pouty face...the truck is here at 8:30 and everyone who is helping will be here at 9:00am, we have a ton of people coming to help and that alone makes me cry...people are so nice, so willing to break their backs and spend a hot Saturday morning putting boxes and stuff on a truck. I am so blest.
We had a minor snag with the house in PA, we can't get possession until the 28th instead of the 25th. So the girls will have to start school from a hotel room. But in the scheme of things I will not complain...I will leave that till when the freezing rain comes and lays a thick sheet of ice over my house and car. That also means my computer will be down longer than originally thought.
If I don't have the computer up and running right away I will use someone else's computer to give everyone an update.
The computer is gone in the morning so wish me luck with the drive...Cory, myself and the dog...I hope we all survive.
Love you all and know that I think of you all and our fun times and your kindness will sustain me until I return.
One L

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Boxes here and boxes there

Boxes boxes everywhere. We are packing! I am very surprised how much stuff we still have after cleaning house and filling a storage unit. The junk a person can aquire is mind boggling. The house is starting to look bare, like I am really moving.
Today my friends from church threw me a going away party and I was so touched by how many people showed up to say good luck and see ya in four years. I have a great ward here in Gilbert and know I will never find that quantiy of really great people anywhere. I realized I have loved theses people for over 10 years and watched some of them grow from young teenagers to amazing parents with their own babies to smoosh...I DON'T WANT TO GO!!!!
I transgress...I am going and I will see all my friends everytime we come back to the valley to visit.
The computer will be dismantled on Saturday morning just before it gets put on the truck so I will post again just before we head out.
Later dudes

Thursday, August 10, 2006

10 on 10

There is a 12 of 12 photo challenge out there started by S. Kueter and I am too much of a loser to ever remember what day it is let alone take 12 pictures that represent my day. So I have come up with 10 on 10. Ten things you are grateful for on the tenth of the month.
1. I am grateful for Mexican food...yummy
2. I am grateful for new papers
3. I am grateful for In and Out Burger
4. I am grateful for my 20 year old son finding the courage to live on his own.
5. I am grateful for my daughters that bring joy and sunshine into my life.
6. I am grateful for Christopher and his long hair.
7. I am grateful for a husband that loves his family more than anything in this world.
8. I am grateful for Amy giving me a new picture for my blog, roses are not my thing.
9. I am grateful for all the wonderful friends that bless my life everyday.
10.I am grateful for my faith and the peace I enjoy because of it.
One L

Monday, August 07, 2006

Wow time is flying by...

I cannot believe we are leaving a week from Friday. It has always seemed so far away and now it is right around the corner. I won't be able to update my blog while we are travelling and then once we get there I will have to wait until we have the computer set up and have cable up and running.
The girls are so excited about the new house and I promised them a swing set to put up in the back yard. I really want a swing for the front porch too. Their school is close and so it church and there is a hugh park with a pool and a castle...a little girls dream.
I haven't worked at the store since last Wednesday and I have missed it more than I could have imagined, I miss the people and my coworker/friends I get to see before and durning my shifts. I think I just might have to hang at the store a few days next week, I have a few projects I need to get done before I go.
One L

Friday, August 04, 2006

I have a Pittsburgh address

Yes it is true...we found a house put in an offer and they accepted it. I don't think I could be happier... I really love this house. So I guess since this house is sold and we have a house in Pittsburgh I really am moving this month. They had a going away party for me at Devine Memories, and we laughed so hard... I will never think about "Dolly Parton, just visiting" without remembering all the funny stories. Later in the night we all had a good cry...it was theraputic for all of us. Crying is a good stress reliever and crying with friends is a bonding experience. Let's just say we are all well bonded. It was so fun spending time with people who are real and have flaws and you just love them to pieces anyway. I am so lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life who make each day a pleasure...I will miss all of you.
One L

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Cross Everything

Well we accepted the offer and if all goes well will no longer own our home in Gilbert as of the 29th of August. Cory left this morning to look at houses in Pittsburgh and maybe even buy a house if all goes well. Everyone seems shocked that I would leave that decision to him but it is for only four years and who cares what the house is like as long as it is in a safe neighborhood and the schools are great.
One L

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Keep your fingers crossed

This is a picture of the girls on the merry go round at Disney Land. I thought this an appropriate picture because we have felt like our lives have been on a very fast Merry go Round and we want OFF!!!

Finally we received an offer we can accept on the house...they are getting a killer deal but it is worth it to us even if it is just to not have to stress about it anymore. We will look at the offer in the morning and I will update if all goes well.

We have a date when we will be heading out to PA. It is the 20th of August. I am so glad I will be able to spend my 40 something th birthday with my sister, my family and my friends. I didn't want the get together on the 3rd to be the last time we get together before I go. We are renting a truck and Cory is driving and we might be following him in the Tuscon, or me and the girls will fly and he will tow the car. Anyone free to help load a truck? There will be Texas Sheet Cake in it for any and all who can spare a few minutes.

I will post the recipe for the "famous" cake and I want promises that it will be made and you will think of me...no promise...no recipe.

I also promise when we are in Pittsburgh to update my blog at least every other day...I know I get perturbed when my friends don't update their blogs for weeks!

One L

Thursday, July 20, 2006

More than Meets the Eye

I like to think we are like this iceburg...what you see is only a hint of what lies beneath. I have some really deep friends and family.
I stress over what not to say here on my blog, not speaking to anyone in particular gives one a certain amount of freedom to just say whatever is on your mind. I have to be careful...thank goodness for the backspace key!
Update on the house, we have had people come through and see the house everyday this week. Three on Monday 2 on Tuesday and just one today. If this pattern holds we will have a day off tomorrow.
Ok don't anyone tell my husband but dang it was hot today! Not that I am complaining about the heat because I would take the heat over the humidity and snow and ice any day of the week. I had to drive my husbands car for about 2 miles (it has no air conditioning) and I don't know how he takes this piece of sh#@ to work everyday and home again in the heat. It was just plain awful. I think I understand his ardent desire to move out of state...it is that dang car. If I had just figured this out a year ago I would have insisted we get a car with air in it. Maybe then he would have chosen a Dental school closer to AZ. Bummer.
One L

Monday, July 17, 2006

Clean Kitchen

Well, we had our first Open House this past Saturday and no one came...not one single soul. I went to bed and cried for a couple of hours, but then I decided to look on the bright side...my house is spotless. My family is healthy and I am blest with so many wonderful friends and family. We dropped our asking price 11,000.00 because we need to sell it NOW! I hope this house takes as good care of another family like it has us. I know someone will fall in love with it if they just come and see it for crying out loud.
Speaking of the bright side, I love my new kitchen table, when you add the leaf it seats six no problem. I hope you can see the picture as it is my first time posting one, thanks Amy for the quick lesson. On the right in the picture you can see the new computer hutch we got at IKEA and let me say when they say some assembly required they mean it is like a puzzle and good luck putting it all together. Cory is a handy man and had all the right tools but dang it took him forever to put that desk together. Pray that we all survive this process and that someone comes and sees the house. Thank you my friends I love you all.
One L

Thursday, July 13, 2006

What a Fun Day

I was shoved from my happy sleep state into the world of the living at around 5:00 am by our soon to be de-barked dog (just kidding), but the day turned out to be a fun one despite it's beginnings.
We met friends at C. Cheese for mediocre pizza and 240 tokens later we had a plastic ring, a squishy frog, a necklace and some smarties. Just watching the girls having so much fun does wonders for the mother's soul.
Swimming at a friends house...ok the kids and Cory went swimming while I drooled on her couch. Remember I was up before 5:00 am, I needed a snap (short nap).
Dinner...Buca di Beppo...let me just say one word...garlic, ok two words...yummy garlic.
Then to Devine Memories for a fun class taught by the Devine Ms M herself. Let me just say how impressed I am...she is an amazing, patient teacher who just goes with the flow. When I am teaching a class and something goes wrong or I don' t have what I need...I simply have a breakdown and feel like I cannot continue. The metal that gets framed was giving us a hard time and she just smiles and makes it work...class under pressure. Now that is an attribute to aspire to attain.
Home now and ready for bed...almost ready.
One L

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Quick update re:Xray and EKG

We got the results of Dene's EKG and all looks normal...whew! let me tell you I was sweating that one. My foot on the other hand needs more attention. They saw a spur on the bone and I have to go see a pediatrist...they are not sure if the trauma of the box landing on it created the spur or my walking funny after I hurt it caused the spur. Oh well, over all the news was good. No cast for me and Dene' s heart is fine.
One L

Hump Day

Isn't that what they call Wednesday? Because after working till 8:30 I am too tired for anything else. I love Wednesdays because that means only one more day till Friday. Cory doesn't have to work on Fridays he just goes in for some overtime...that means he is home by 10:00am just when the rest of us are ready to rock and roll.
I know it has only been a week and a half but no offers on the house yet...I am trying not to freak out...one more week and then I will start to freak out. We might have to rent in Pittsburgh at first...no biggy. Then we will have more time to find the perfect house and we won't be so rushed.
I just hate the thought of the girls having to switch schools twice in the same year...and it kindergarten for Dene.
Cory is very excited to quit work...he says he works with the cesspool of humanity, and can't wait to get out of there. For example, one lady was having an affair with a 19 year at work and got pregnant with his child and left her husband and moved in with this teenager and proceeded to step out on him with another guy she works with. I am so glad I never have to deal with that kind of drama where I work...mostly it is just excitment over opening boxes and the smell of new books.
One L

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Another day another Ultram

That is the name of the anti inflammitories the Dr. gave me but they have a narcotic in them and when I take them I am what you might say...stoned. I am supposed to take one in the morning and one at night but I cannot function... or drive under the influence so I only take it at night. It is helping my foot, and the swelling is pretty much gone, I just hate feeling loopy.
I worked last night and it was supposed to be a small group so I said I could work it alone...yikes what was I thinking. My foot was huge by the time I went to bed. What a nice group of ladies...we did have a blast. I will miss working the late night crops and the friends I have made, who would have thought there are so many super cool and fun people in the world?
I had a thought... we could charge 40.00 once a month for the crop and that would pay for really nice food and my flight to come and work it...you never know?
One L

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Now we sit and wait

I thought it was rough trying to get the house ready but this waiting for someone to buy it is going to be the end of me. We just got the sign on our lawn tonight and it has only been on the market for 5 days and already I am beginning to sweat.
No one has ever accused me of being patient and I don't pray for patience any more because the Lord just gives me opportunities to attain it. I want patience and I want it NOW!!!
I will give it another week and then I will sweat.
The girls are driving me crazy, all their friends are in Utah for a couple of weeks and they are not enthused with the idea of spending the day with mom...Just a few short months ago they would have loved to spend the day with me.
I finally went to the Dr about my foot, he gave me some pills that are supposed to help with the swelling but have a narcotic in it too...X rays tomorrow, after Dene has her EKG. I am sure Dene will be fine and so will my foot.
I'll let you all know.
One L

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July

Life is funny, as of Monday morning we were celebrating Independence Day with just our little family. Then we received 4 invitations to BBQ and watch fireworks by Monday at 1:00pm. We were kinda committed to staying close to home because others were counting on it. Not that we have any illegal fireworks or anything of that nature...cause that would be wrong. So we could only accept 2 invites and we are going to be sooo full. The girls are such social butterflies they are happy to be anywhere where there are other fun nice children.
On a personal note I am proud to have an American husband who loves his Country and two American daughters who are being raised in an amazing country that gives them the opportunity and freedom to be anything they set their minds to being. Both my sons have decided to become American citizens and that makes me very proud. So the question remains will I become an American citizen? Will I have to give up saying sorry with an "O"? Will I have to stop saying "pardon me"? Will I have to start watching baseball on TV (instead of hockey)? Stay tuned.
One L

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Found a cute house in PA

I don't know if this will work but I wanted to try anyway, here is the web address for a house we really like http://wpn.mlxchange.com/EmailView.asp?r=1259423839&s=WPN&t=WPN. I hope everyone can see all the different pictures. I love the yard, there is room for the trampoline and a new swingset.
One L

Saturday, July 01, 2006

It is done

Our real estate agents are coming tomorrow and they are taking pictures and the house will be officially for sale. What ever changes we were going to do are either done or we decided it wasn't that important after all. What a load off this is for me, right now I don't care if any one buys the house...OK that is a lie what I meant to say is I don't care if anyone comes and sees the house or not but it is clean and all the projects are done. Well almost, we are waiting for the guy to install the RV gate but that should be in the morning. I miss having a regular life, taking the girls to the park or to McDonalds. They have been farmed out almost everyday, thank goodness they are well liked and behaved like little angles or no one would have invited them back. I miss cooking dinner and just watching a movie with the kids.
Phase 2 has now begun, that means as soon as the house has an offer we have accepted Cory is back on a plane to Pittsburgh to look at 10 more houses and make our final decision. Then we get to pack, but I don't mind packing as long as it doesn't involve a paintbrush or laminate flooring I can deal.
I have to get Amy to teach me how to post pictures and then I can have some pictures to go with the words...and sometimes there are alot of words.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Trying to be a morning person

Ok, after reading some other blogs I have been trying to get up earlier and get things done in the wee hours. I don't know how you guys do it...it is killing me. I simply cannot function on any human level! I don't like my family or myself for that matter, I am at a loss how becoming a morning person will ever happen for me.
Cory just read my title over my shoulder and laughed and said "trying to be a morning person, you? never going to happen".
I hope somewhere, if someone is keeping score, that I get points for trying even if I fail. Don't get me wrong I haven't given up...yet. I will give it another month.
One L

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Almost Done

I cannot believe I see the light at the end of the tunnel. The house is just about ready to be shown. The concrete gets poured on Friday and then the gate goes in, and the final out door touch up is the stone. So we will go from a truly "desert" landscape (dirt and weeds) to a stone and desert plant landscape.
I have decided I am going to have an open house just to show friends and family all the changes we have made. I am so proud of Cory, he has become such a handy man. I love the way things have turned out and I will never do this again. If I want to make over a house again Cory has strick instructions to hit me over the head with a 2 by 4!
The girls are sooooo bored, and I know it is because we are always working on the house, but in a week or so we will be free to go to the mall and the pool and friend's houses and the park and the museum...well, you get what I mean.
Two posts in the same month...I am getting better at this.
One L

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Getting ready for the move.

Well it has been awhile since I updated the old blog, and I know I have to get into the habit soon. Only a few more months and we will be living in PA. I love the sun and will miss its warmth more than I can say. We are listing the house this week and hope to sell it quickly. We are pricing it 10,00.00 below market value in hopes that it will sell soon. Once we have a solid offer on our house we can put in an offer on a house in PA. Cory is very excited to quit work and just focus on school, he has been working and going to school for ever and deserves a break so he can just worry about school.
The boys are staying here and going to college here in the valley, Chris is going full time while Greg is going to do it parttime. Sometimes I wish they were both coming with us but I know Greg will be 20 years old in August and it is time mommy let him go and grow up on his own. Chris on the other hand has been a 40 year old man trapped in a young man's body for as long as I can remember so it is hard for me to think of him as young and helpless going to school with no mom or dad around to help. He doesn't need me anymore but I still need him.
The girls are excited about the move and see it as an adventure...just what we told them it was. Lets just hope it all stays positive and upbeat.
That is all for now.
One L

Thursday, January 12, 2006

One L Family Blog

We now have a family blog, who would have thunk it, Michele did something technical without Cory's help!
January 2006, this is going to be an exciting year and this blog will enable me to keep my friends and family in AZ up to date on my weekly life. So it won't be like I have moved away for 4 years, more like I am on vacation.
Stay tuned.
One L